2013年9月30日 星期一

AD 物件重複,無法刪除

在 AD 上有物件重複,也無法透過 ADUC 刪除
Use Repadmin.exe option /removelingeringobjects, which safely remove instances of lingering objects from both writable directory partitions and read-only directory partitions
Repadmin.exe provides the following
  • Compares the directory database objects on a reference domain controller with the objects on the target domain controller, which contains (or is suspected to contain) lingering objects.
  • If you use the /advisory mode parameter, events are logged in the Directory Service event log for the objects that are found.
  • If you do not use the /advisory mode parameter, the found objects are deleted without replicating the deletions; that is, the deletions occur only on the target domain controller.

