2012年10月18日 星期四

Windows Server Backup 佔用硬碟空間

在 Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2008 R2 的環境下,很多管理者使用 Windows Server backup 進行 AD 資料庫備份,時間久了之後,發現伺服器儲存空間幾乎滿了,但是實際使用空間卻很少(如圖所示)

 Windows Server backup 進行 AD 資料庫備份並非使用 NTFS 檔案格式,可以透過以下指令刪除舊資料,將空間釋放出來

例一 : 刪除第 61 之後的檔案 
Wbadmin delete systemstatebackup -backupTarget:b: -keepversions:60

 例二 : 刪除最舊的檔案
Wbadmin delete systemstatebackup -backupTarget:b: -DeleteOldest

調整 Exchange 2010 搬移信箱 Session 數量

Exchange Server 2010 搬移信箱,系統預設最多 2 個信箱同時搬移,若遇到大量信箱需要搬移時,可以參考以下作法,增加同一時間可以搬移信箱數量


  1. Goto MSExchangeMailboxReplication.exe.config
  2. Make a backup copy of the file in alternate location before you customize it.

  3. Edit the MSExchangeMailboxReplication.exe.config using Notepad.
  4. Edit MaxActiveMovesPerSourceMDB, This property indicates the number of mailboxes that can be moved on the source mailbox database at one time. The default value is 5 concurrent moves. Change it as per your Requirement.
 5. Edit MaxActiveMovesPerTargetMDB, This property indicates the number of mailbox moves that can be moved on the target mailbox database at one time. The default value is 5 concurrent moves.Change it as per your Requirement.
 6. Edit MaxTotalMovesPerMRS, This property indicates the number of mailboxes that can be moved by a single instance of MRS. The default value is 100 concurrent moves. Change it as per your Requirement.
 7. Edit MaxActiveMovesPerTargetServer, This property indicates the total number of moves that can occur on the target server at a given time. The default value is 5 concurrent moves.Change it as per your Requirement.
 8. Edit MaxActiveMovesPerSourceServer,This property indicates the total number of moves that can occur on the source server at a given time. The default value is 5 concurrent moves.Change it as per your Requirement.
 9. Save and close the file.
 10. Restart the Microsoft Exchange Mailbox Replication service
 11. Try to Create new Move Requests.